Commenting has been the number one quality back-linking or rather traffic exchange factor in terms of Search Engines Optimization.
Commenting can be done in all sorts of ways. However here's the three most popular forms where commenting is specificly allowed. Blog commenting, Website commenting and Social Media commenting.
So here's a sneak overview of commenting for quality Search Engine Optimization. As you might have heard web page rankings are considered in a most unique way.
Which web spiders or bots a sent out to crawl the most important web pages with quality back-links to rank the results of that particular keywords according to Matt Cutts Google's SEO term manager.
So what does that means. In these case it simply signifies the importance of placing quality comments or back-links to establish mutual data exchange. Which search engine then tends to ranked web pages relatively related to a particular keywords.
Now let us know your view of the importance of commenting for SEO. Meanwhile you might what to read a post on a $25,000 blog comment tatics.
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